Free Agent — Midfielder/ Defender — Male 25YRS

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My name is Enrique and I recently moved from Texas and I am looking to join a team for any style 9v9 or 11v11 and am available both weekdays and weekends.

I’ve played soccer my whole life and was captain of my club academy in Houston. I also played varsity in high school and kept playing in men’s leagues all throughout college. I’ve currently been playing loads on pickup soccer apps so I’m in shape and ready to go.

Most of my career I was anywhere in the backline, primarily CB. Since my high school days however I now play more of a playmaking midfielder or winger but I am open to fill whatever gaps are needed.

I’ve always competed at a high level so I’m looking to win every game and give my all for the team. Let me know if you need players as I am skilled and looking to meet new people as well.

Enrique Castillo

Thank you

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