*New Team - Looking for Players* - Please Email Me!!

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Hi everyone,

It seems like there are a lot of interested people who don’t have a team so I’m considering getting people together and forming a new team from scratch. I did this in Santa Monica for a competitive softball team and we’ve been going 2 years strong, have a lot of fun, have won a championship and many great friendships have come from it. The softball league director also runs the soccer league so I’ve been in touch with him about forming a team during this registration window. Let me know if you’re interested and I can be in touch once I have a critical mass of interested folks for a new team and we can meet and see how everyone fits together. Registration window is next 2 weeks and season would start end of January at Airport park so email me below soon. Likely 7×7 and I’m available all weeknights except Wednesday since that’s when we play softball.


Quick about me: 31, played in travel leagues & high school. Positional versatility with decent athleticism but have been away from the game for 10+ years so excited to get out and play again. In good shape but will need to work into game shape. Looking for a fun squad who plays hard but prioritizes the group and has a good time.


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